Life changing tools — Isn’t that what we want? As I work with my clients, it becomes abundantly clear that everyone wants effective, life changing tools, to help manifest the changes we are seeking. As Your Spiritual Life Coach, I want to provide you with those life changing tools that allow you to manifest the answers to our ongoing question, “How do you find inner peace?”
Those of you, who have worked directly with me, know that when you change your habits of thought, your unconscious beliefs, and when you understand Who and What you truly are, life gets better. When you begin to identify with your authentic self and live from that place, then difficulties in relationships, career, finances, health, and negative feelings like stress, overwhelm, frustration, anger, guilt, depression and the like, change for the better.
Some of you may be aware that I wrote a Messenger Mini-Book to provide handy, easy to understand and use, life changing tools for when you want or need to work on your life issues on your own. This little book is unique in that it also includes FREE ACCESS to your own personal ONLINE ENVIRONMENT. That space provides more information, videos, work book exercises, and space for your personal journal. Yes, PERSONAL, no one else has access to your stuff. This online environment allows you the opportunity to make this a truly experiential learning process, so you “get” the ideas offered. Though the book doesn’t replace the personalized custom programs we would build together in sessions, It is enlightening on its own, and clients tell me these life changing tools are highly effective.
A client recently told me that, while going through extreme life difficulties, she kept my little book handy — right there in the same bowl where she leaves her keys. And whenever things were at the worst, she’d pick it up and read through it again, and yet again. She told me with great passion, how it was just such a life saver.
Well now, having access to these life changing tools is even easier! My little book, When Nothing Seems to Work – Finally Break Free of Dreadful Results by Changing Non-Conscious, Self-Defeating Beliefs! is available for Kindle and Kindle apps! Though I don’t personally have a Kindle, I do have Kindle apps on my laptop, net-book, and smart phone. When I’m reading any book, all 3 apps are synchronized, so I pick up where I left off no matter which device I’m using. And those apps are downloadable for FREE! Well, I’m not here to sell you on Kindle; but don’t you just love technology?
What I do intend with today’s blog is to let you know that this little, tiny, Messenger Mini-Book of mine is now available on Kindle and Kindle apps. And, if you choose it, you can always have access to these life changing tools, when you need them, literally right there at your finger tips!
So, if you’d like to order, here’s the link:
Or, if you’d rather have the hard copy, here’s the link for that:
and then click on Alice’s Books on the left of the webpage
I would truly love for those of you who have experienced the book to chime in with your comments here and share your experience with the ideas, life changing tools and any of your experiences with the online environment. I’m sure others would appreciate hearing about your personal experiences, first hand from YOU!
Sending you Blessings
May you easily effect the changes you seek in life!
Your Spiritual Life Coach