
Do You Want a Better Holiday Experience?

It depends on how you feel about the holidays, right? There is an unwritten expectation that preparing for and celebrating the holidays will bring us happiness. But, for most of us, it brings both good and bad feelings and for many, the feelings are not so good at all. What if we had some influence over our experience of all of this? It is not that we believe it because we see it. Rather, it

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The List and the Law of Attraction

Clients often ask how to get that better job or finally find the right significant other. One of the tools I suggest, in addition to integrative therapy and healing codes, is THE LIST. THE LIST takes advantage of the fact that what you focus on expands, which is part of the Universal Law of Attraction. The intention here is to generate clarity and then give attention to only what is wanted. The list provides the

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Why Go for Optimal Wellness?

Will Medicare be there when you need it? If it is, will it provide the care you need to live life to the fullest? It is important to understand that Medicare is funded through the same financial system as Social Security. That is, workers’ payroll tax deductions, matched by employers, provide medical care for the current elderly population. As baby-boomers reach the age when insurance providers dump us into the Medicare system, we will not

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Foiled by Your Own Self-Sabotaging Behaviors?

Why would we choose to sabotage ourselves? You know, those frustrating times when we set a new exercise plan and promptly skip doing it. Or we set a new, healthier, eating program, and then head directly for the frig in search of something sweet. Why do we do that? In my experience, there are many reasons, most having to do with our resident belief structure.   We accumulate this belief structure throughout our lifetime. We

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How to Find Personal Vision

Vision. Do you have one for your life? If you have one, do you feel well on your way to achieving it? If your answer was NO, do you know why? Would you like to make changes in your life in this area?   It seems some people just know what their vision and purpose is, while most of us need to journal, think, and work on it to discover this information. For this group,

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Why some clients have difficulty with affirmations–and what to do.

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” ~ Unknown Sometimes clients find it difficult or even impossible to do their affirmations for positive change.  Most often this is reported after the clients first session, though it can happen at any time.  No matter when this occurs, there is always an important reason why. Though I usually test for subconscious programs that could be triggered by the new preferred belief structure, sometimes

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Why Change Belief Structure?

You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however. Richard Bach Read more at // You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however. Richard Bach Read more at // “You are never given a wish without also being given the power to

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How Do You Find Inner Peace?

When you ask, “How do you find inner peace?” and hear the old sage’s answer, “All you need is inside of you;” doesn’t that make you want to just scream–because if it was in there, you certainly wouldn’t be still asking that question–right? Given today’s circumstances, the economy, unemployment, the costs to just survive, the broken marriages and relationships, the health catastrophes, the world situation, and personal disasters, is it any wonder why we feel

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